About This Site
This site is owned (as much as anyone can own a free tripod site) and operated by Bikeman704.
This is my website. I created this site for two purposes. First, to experement with and learn about basic HTML. Second, to have a place where I can host my computer art for web viewing. Most of the material here will be related in some way to the game Halo, by Bungie studios. I will be the first to admit the style of this site comes straight from HBO (, as I much prefer it's simple and functional structure to most of today's sites., by the way, is the Halo fan site, and most of the material on this site has been featured there at one point in time.
Anyway... Feel free to look around, browse the Media and Fiction sections, and enjoy the site untill the bandwidth runs dry!
If you wish to contact me, I am an active member of the HBO Forum, or you can E-mail me at
My Xbox Live gamertag is Phantom704.