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This section contains computer related art that I have made over the past however long it has been. Again, most (not all) of the material here will be Halo related. Although all of the material here was created by me (Bikeman704), this does not mean I take full credit for everything here. Many of the pieces here contain models created by other people, or are edited version of other people's work. In most cases, I give cedit to others in text within the art.


Halo 2 E3 Demo: Blow by Blow
Very, very, very cool stuff. Pictures with commentary, a must see for any halo fan, even if you have already seen the demo for yourself.

We love you OXM!

Plasma Flak

Longsword Exploration
Pretty cool stuff... I found a way, in coop, to aviod the trigger that fires the final cutscene. With this, you can get up on the platform and actualy go inside the Longsword! There is actualy a pretty detailed interior in there, a lot of which you never see in normal play. People have gotten there before, but only using recently made Halo hacks, which require you to basicly ruin your Xbox. I just uploaded a 2 minute video of the Longsword cabin, as well as how to get there, to halo.bungie.org. When Louis puts it up (hopefully soon), I will make a link to it.